Friday, December 27, 2019

Eating Disorders Are Serious Mental Illnesses That Are Not...

Eating disorders are serious mental illnesses that are not a choice. Eating disorders can affect people of any age and are characterized by concerns with body weight and irregular eating habits. There are many different kinds of eating disorders, but the cause of them is not completely known. The symptoms of eating disorders include obsession with food, appearance, and weight. There are ways to cope with and treat eating disorders with the help of a therapist that is specially trained in eating disorders. The exact cause of eating disorders is not known. Though it is unknown, â€Å"it is generally believed that a combination of biological, psychological, and/or environmental abnormalities contribute to the development of these illnesses†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦show more content†¦Four out of ten people have experienced an eating disorder or know somebody that has. Someone with an eating disorder commonly also has another condition like depression or an anxiety disorder. Eating disorders can happen to either gender, but â€Å"middle-aged women are the fastest growing segment of the population being diagnosed with eating disorders† (Emily Program Foundation, 2015). In the United States, over 10 million people suffer from an eating disorder. Symptoms of eating disorders include attitudes and emotions when dealing with weight and food issues. One type of eating disorder is anorexia nervosa. This eating disorder is more common in women than men. â€Å"Approximately 90-95% of anorexia nervosa sufferers are girls and women† (Anorexia-nervosa, n.d.). Although the amount of women versus men is so high, only about 0.5-1 percent of American women actually suffer from the disorder. Anorexia nervosa is a life threatening eating disorder in which a person starves him or herself and has excessive weight loss. When the body is starved, the body slows down all its processes to conserve energy. When the body is slowed down like that, then serious medical consequences can arise. Serious medical consequences may include fainting, muscle loss, hair loss, abnormally slow heart rate, and low blood pressure. One symptom of anorexia nervosa is â€Å"inadequate food intake

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Pharmaceutical Treatment Options For The Treatment Of Type...

A myriad of pharmaceutical treatment options for the treatment of type 2 diabetes (T2DM) currently exist (Inzucchi et al., 2015; American Diabetes Association, 2016). Although metformin remains the first-line pharmacologic treatment, numerous options are available when metformin alone does not achieve glycemic targets. When making treatment decisions, the American Diabetes Association (ADA, 2016) recommends that selection of additional agents should take into account the advantages and disadvantages of specific medications. They also advise consideration of patient preference, cost, side effects, impact on body weight, and risk for hypoglycemia (ADA, 2016). The intent of this paper is to explore the recently published and highly relevant research findings on the impact of empagliflozin, a sodium glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitor (SGLT2), on cardiovascular outcomes and mortality (Zinman et al., 2015). Empagliflozin (EMPA), along with other SGLT2 drugs, effectively work to reduce glycemia by suppressing renal glucose reabsorption (Rosenstock, et al., 2015). The end result is reduced blood glucose, because of increased urinary glucose excretion. Rosenstock and colleagues (2015) conducted a randomized, control trial comparing the impact of long acting insulin versus long acting insulin plus EMPA. The 79-week trial was conducted from 2009 to 2012 and included 97 centers in seven countries, including the United States. In total, 494 participants were included. AfterShow MoreRelatedDrug Product Review Of Canagliflozin1116 Words   |  5 Pagesimprovement of glycemic control for adults with type 2 diabetes. In 2013, Elkinson and Scott estimated that there were approximately 220 million people worldwide affected by type 2 diabetes. Despite having multiply classifications of drugs and typically multiple drugs to each classification, more than have of patient being treated do not ha ve adequate control of their diabetes (Elkinson Scott, 2013). As mentioned before with so many medication types already on the market, is Canagliflozin a beneficialRead MoreAlternative Weight Loss In Obesity Essay904 Words   |  4 Pagescompared in terms of how they work, their side effects, and the duration of their effectiveness so obese adults can pick an option that is compatible for their condition(s) and personal preferences. This paper will answer the question stated above by evaluating the two options using evidence. Background Obesity is easily noticeable and diagnosable. The easiest diagnostic option is calculating a patients body mass index or BMI. Being obese is classified as having a BMI that is 30 and over (Mayo ClinicRead MoreWhat Is Canagliflozin At Lowering Blood Glucose Levels?947 Words   |  4 Pagesinformation: Answer: †¢ The literature used to research this topic suggest that canagliflozin is a better option than empagliflozin at lowering blood glucose (A1C) levels in diabetic patients. According to the package inserts for both drugs, genital mycotic infections and urinary tract infections are likely to occur, especially in women, because of the mechanism of the drugs. 1,2 Background: Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disorder in which the body does not properly respond to insulin well, thus allowing highRead MoreBenefits Of Financial Support For Medical And Health Care1182 Words   |  5 PagesAccordingly, medical products were controlled by technological standards. Many countries use economic valuation if their medical and health systems should finance certain pharmaceutical and pharmaceutical preparations. 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AlthoughRead MoreThe Therapeutic Options For Treating Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus1054 Words   |  5 PagesThe therapeutic options for treating type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) have been widened since April 2005 due to the introduction of Exenatide, the first incretin mimetic (Bond 2006). Due to the prevalence of this disease, the largest and most powerful pharmaceutical companies are ambitious to develop effective therapeutic methods. Exenatide is a synthetic peptide that was first identified in the saliva of Heloderma Suspectum, a species of venomous lizard native to areas in the United States and MexicoRead MoreHistory of Medicine1796 Words   |  7 Pagesat Tel Aviv University, found 72 percent of study participants had reduced their use of pharmaceutical drugs, such as antipsychotics, painkillers, mood stabilizers and drugs for Parkinson’s disease, by an average of 1.7 drugs per day (â€Å"Medical Cannabis†, N.p.). Marijuana can provide a very safe alternative to a large amount of pharmaceutical drugs for young people as well as elderly ones. With pharmaceutical drugs, the side effects are severe, from rashes or headaches to high blood pressure or evenRead MorePurinex Corp.5147 Words   |  21 PagesInc. Introduction The case asks for evaluation of different financing options. Gilad Harpaz is Purinex’s CFO and he needs to determine which one from the three options provides lowest risk, highest company value, and short term cash for operations. Purinex is a biotechnological company that has 35 patents pending in pharmaceutical field. It is one of the raising stars that may develop new drug for specific use in diabetes and sepsis. Company has 14 employees. Monthly burden is $60000; company hasRead MoreDiabetes : Health Promoting And Prevention Methods1177 Words   |  5 PagesI will first state some facts about diabetes before giving a health promoting and prevention methods. Given insights from the Centers for Disease Control site, 17.0 million individuals in the United States, roughly 6.2% of the populace, have diabetes. Of this 17 million individuals, 11.1 million are analyzed, and 5.9 million are undiscovered. In the diverse age bunches, around 151,000 individuals under 20 years old hav e diabetes, roughly 0.19% of individuals in this age bunch. In the 20 and moreRead MoreThe New Tools Used For Cure1525 Words   |  7 Pagesmedicine. The new tools used for cure, known as pharmaceuticals, gave birth to a booming new industry. Today, the issue with chronic illnesses like cancer, heart disease, and diabetes is that they only get worse. Using a quick fix up with medicine creates more side effects that can even cause a whole new illness, or possibly a drug related death. People want faster results on acute conditions. The time constraints fuel increases in pharmaceutical medicine even more. Rather than preventing illnesses

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

A Road Awakening free essay sample

I open my eyes slowly, to the sound of branches rustling against my windowsill. Outside, it’s still dark. My mind is awake, but my body begs to remain underneath the plush covers and smooth, cool feeling of the pillow against my cheek. Just a few more minutes, it begs. Okay, I agree, a few more minutes. I roll over slowly, pulling the checkered blanket around my tired body. But as I begin to snuggle in, I catch a glimpse of them sitting in the corner, outside of my closet door. They call to me, earnestly, and at first, my aching body resists. But then I picture it in my mind, and suddenly, my fatigue is replaced by excitement, energy. Yes, I say, this is one of those mornings. I slide out of my bed and tiptoe over. You win again, I say, admitting defeat. I pull on some clothes, socks, and them. As I tie the laces together, my dog remains collapsed on my bed. He doesn’t move, except for his eyelids which open slightly. He looks over, resentful at me for disrupting his early morning sleep. I stroke his fur and whisper to him, Shhh. I say. I’ll be back soon; don’t tell anyone. He moseys over to my pillow, still warm from my body heat, and snuggles in, in response. He is the only one who knows of my secret. I reach the front door and open it slowly, and slide the key in the lock to close it. And then I turn to face the world. My journey awaits. I feel the excitement and anticipation. It starts from my fingertips and travels through my veins, down through my body, reaching the tips of my toes. Eventually the whole of my feet are burning with desire. And so I begin. The road is quiet still; there is not a passerby in sight. I take a deep breath, soaking in my calm and peaceful surroundings. The road is my audience, stretching out for miles ahead of me, cheering me on, to continue. And I feel it all: the chilly breeze against my red cheeks, and the wet dew that begins to soak my shoes, cooling me. I soak in every sacred moment with pleasure and satisfaction. I notice that it begins to get a little lighter outside, but still the sun hides behind the trees, waiting: I have more time. I listen to the harmony of my breath, my heart, and the wind in the trees, as they all string together creating one symphony. And the constant beat, as they hit the pavement in a repetition of sound. Thump, thump, thump†¦. These mornings are my favorite. I love to be up early, while others sleep: The scared few hours in which the world is tranquil, and takes a short break from the hectic bustle of the day. Eagerly, I press on, my heart quickening, my breath shortening. I feel my mind begin to clear, my stress begin to melt away as my thoughts are released into the fresh, clean air that has had its rest overnight. And they listen, their strong, firm grip encasing my feet. Always faithful, always understanding, their repetitious sound gives me a sense of stability and confidence as I vent my troubles and worries to them. Possibility lures me further, surrounding me with its power. I have the whole day ahead of me, full of new hopes, new experiences. I challenge myself. Can I do one more mile? Can I accomplish everything I want to today? I advance towards new trails, tackling each challenging new course with all the strength I can muster. I can do this, I think, I can do anything. I feel as though I’m flying as I pass the market down the street, my old house, the 7-11 around the corner. Lights begin to turn on inside stores; cars begin to appear in parking lots. Slowly, the rest of the world is awakening. I turn back towards home. The sun begins to rise over the treetops, casting its rays against my heated body. I reach the doorstep and slip inside just in time, before my secret is discovered. NO one else knows of my personal escape, my own paradise. This time is mine alone. Time for me to be whoever I want to be: my only boundary is myself. Each day I go to school, meet with friends, do homework, go to track practice. All of these activities are extremely important to me, but sometimes I long for a vacation from such a hectic and busy lifestyle. I crave that escape that each person needs. The serenity and tranquility of those early mornings are irresistible. I have time to be with my greatest critic, my strongest opponent that has the most control over me: myself. With ambition to challenge myself, I discover my own, new levels of potential. I can go that one extra mile. And when I’ve done it, when I know that I have gone a further distance than I ever thought possible, a smile spreads across my face. And I feel the joy of a wonderful accomplishment. I may not be the best runner on my track team, or the smartest student at my school, but I have accomplished something special and unique. I have met my own expectations, and to be able to accomplish my own personal goals: that, in itself, is enough. The road stretches on for miles ahead, never-ending. I can choose any path I want, because I believe I can conquer any hill, any boundary, any struggle. I realize that with this daring to go above and beyond the expected, with this strength and knowledge, the possibilities are endless. They have helped me learn this. Ever since that first morning I went to the sports store, picked them out especially. I still remember the first time I pulled them on, laced them together, and took my first step. With them, I have discovered new ideas, new paths, new possibilities. They are my vehicle, as I venture along. And every time I pull them on, a new adventure awaits. I remain confident, with the knowledge that I can handle anything that comes my way. I am unstoppable.