Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Essay on terrorism - 1945 Words

Terrorism Imagine a clear blue, sunlit morning; the most beautiful day you can recall. Imagine waking up from an amazing dream of a clear horizon. Imagine putting on your new fresh suit, to start your new job. Imagine having that extra hop in your step as you leave your front door, your mind anxiously awaiting the adventure of a new beginning to an amazing day. Then, imagine not getting to where you needed to be. Not because you fell victim to a traffic jam or missed the bus, but because you were a victim of a terrorist act - an innocent victim, whose life was cut short by terrorism. Shattered dreams and lives are just some of the many effects that terrorism can bring about. Just how different is each human than another? Anatomically†¦show more content†¦For this purpose, the terrorist organizations exploit diverse media venues in order to advance their interests (Sowell). Terrorism’s function is to instill fear in as many people as possible promoting change. Terrorists use the media to further extend the fear in everyone. â€Å"Scaring as many people as possible is the true just in terror† (Sowell). The media spreads confusion that disrupts a whole society. Terrorism is used as a tool of violence to create a climate of fear in a population and thereby bring out a particular political object (â€Å"Terrorism†). â€Å"The purpose of terrorism is to get the most bang for your buck with such limited resources† (Sowell). The media does the work for terrorists. There have been many attacks on the United States to this day including the first attack on the World Trade Center, The Oklahoma bombing, and other attacks on U.S. embassies around the world. The deadliest attack ever was the attack on September 11, 2001. This attack consisted of four planes that were hijacked by suicidal terrorists. The terrorists crashed two planes into the World Trade Center, one into each tower. The third plane was crashed into the Pentagon and the forth crashed into a field in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. During this attack, 266 people died on the planes and thousands more died in and around the buildings (â€Å"Info War†). This, however, wasShow MoreRelatedTerrorism : Terrorism And Terrorism1326 Words   |  6 Pagesallowing terrorism to be successful and continue. Terrorists gain power through the common, innocent people they attack. How the world responds to terrorist attacks determines whether or not terrorism will cease. The common people’s r esponse to terrorism, the interest of the state, and the media’s role in terrorism all aide to terrorism’s success and its continuation in the future. 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