Friday, May 15, 2020

How to Teach the Present Perfect Continuous

The present perfect continuous form is often confused with the present perfect. Indeed, there are many instances in which the present perfect continuous can be used as well as the present perfect. For example: Ive worked here for twenty years. OR Ive been working here for twenty years.Ive played tennis for twelve years. OR Ive been playing tennis for twelve years. The main emphasis in the present perfect continuous is on expressing how long the current activity has been happening. Its best to stress that the present perfect continuous form is used for shorter periods of time to express how long that particular action has been taking place. Ive been writing for thirty minutes.Shes been studying since two oclock. In this manner, youll help students understand that the present perfect continuous is used to express the length of a current action. Compare this to cumulative length for which we tend to use the present perfect, although the present perfect continuous can be used. Introducing the Present Perfect Continuous Start by Speaking About the Length of Current Actions Introduce the present perfect continuous by asking students how long theyve been studying in the current class on that day. Extend this to other activities. Its a good idea to use a magazine with photos and ask questions about how long the person in the photo has been doing a particular activity. Length of Current Activity Heres an interesting photo. Whats the person doing? How long has the person been doing XYZ?What about this one? He looks like hes getting ready for a party. I wonder if you can tell me how long hes been getting ready for the party. Result of Activity Another important use of the present perfect continuous is to explain what has been happening that has caused a present result. Stating results and asking questions are effective in teaching this use of the form. His hands are dirty! What has he been doing?Youre all wet! What have you been doing?Hes tired. Has he been studying for a long time? Practicing the Present Perfect Continuous Explaining the Present Perfect Continuous on the Board Use a timeline to illustrate the two principal uses of the present perfect continuous. With such a long string of helping verbs, the present perfect continuous can be a bit confusing. Make sure that students understand the construction by providing a structural chart like the one below: Subject have been verb(ing) objects He has been working for three hours.We havent been studying for long. Repeat for the negative and interrogative forms as well. Make sure students understand that the verb have is conjugated. Point out that questions are formed with How long ... for the length of an activity, and What have you ... for explanations of current results. How long have you been sitting there?What have you been eating? Comprehension Activities Its a good idea to compare and contrast both the present perfect and present perfect continuous when first teaching this tense. At this point in their studies, students should be able to handle working with two related tenses. Use lessons that focus on the differences to help them distinguish usage. Quizzes testing present perfect or perfect continuous use also help students become familiar with the two tenses. Present perfect and continuous dialogues can also help with practicing the differences. Also, make sure to review non-continuous or stative verbs with students. Challenges With the Present Perfect Continuous The main challenge students will face with the present perfect continuous is understanding that this form is used to focus on shorter lengths of time. I find its a good idea to use a common verb such as teach to illustrate the difference. For example: Ive taught English for many years. Today, Ive been teaching for two hours. Finally, students may still have difficulties with the use of for and since as time expressions with this tense.

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