Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Is Willy Loman a Tragic Hero in Death of Salesman

Willy Loman’s character in Death of a Salesman portrays him as a tragic hero. Willy Loman continued to want his recognition and his reputation but never forgets about his family. These characteristics describe him as a tragic hero in Death of a Salesman. Willy Loman’s tragic flow leads him to purse the idea that reputation in society has more relevancies in life than knowledge and education to survive in the business. His grand error of wanting recognition drove him crazy and insane and lead to his tragic death. Willy’s hubris makes him feel extremely proud of what he has, when in reality he has no satisfaction with anything in his life. Willy Loman’s sons did not reach his expectations, as a father but he still continued to brag about†¦show more content†¦He also takes pride in his job as a salesman. He continually argued with his wife about his job and claims that he’s a very important man in his business as a salesman. When he argues he exclaims , â€Å"They don’t need me in New York. I’m Vital in England.† ,(Shmpoo) making his point across that he’s an essential man to his career and he’s very proud of it. He’s always insisting he’s critical t o his business. In other senses he has excessive pride by rejecting the job that Charley offers him and because of his inflated pride it leads him to think he’s well-liked by everyone when even charley admits not to like him himself. He has pride within himself because he has the idea in his mind that he’s a great salesman and when people repealed that he’s no good at his job he argues and makes his point across that he’s in fact a great salesman. In the play Death of a salesman several people tell him that he’s no good at what he does, including he gets fired from his own job because his boss thinks that he’s uncap able of doing his own job and he also thinks that he’s going insane and could take some time off work for himself . As the story goes on he realizes that his kids aren’t what he has expected them to grow up to, as soon as he sees Bernard all grown up and has made of himself a good family he questions himself where did he go wrong in educating his own kids. He wonders why happy could never reach as much success like Bernard , when in fact when younger he pickedShow MoreRelated Willy Loman as Tragic Hero of Death of a Salesman Essay1519 Words   |  7 PagesWilly Loman as Tragic Hero of Death of a Salesman       Willy Loman, the title character of the play, Death of Salesman, exhibits all the characteristics of a modern tragic hero. 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